Freelance developer and owner of GreenFlux, LLC. I build mobile & web apps for small businesses, and specialize in no-code/ low-code development, Javascript/Google Apps Script & REST API integrations.
a starter solution for integrating any API or Database with FileMaker · Hey, I'm Joseph, I'm an engineer at Appsmith, and a long-time FileMaker Pro...
Using OrgChart JavaScript Library In A Web App · Organizational charts help visualize the reporting structure of a company in a tree-like graph. They are...
A Web Viewer for Building Web Viewers · Web Viewers in FileMaker Pro are like an escape hatch. When you hit the limits of the native FMP platform, you...
A primer on natural language processing with JavaScript · Lexical density measures word frequency within text. That sentence had a lexical density of...
Visualizing Aggregate Data Across Geographic Regions · Choropleth maps are similar to heat maps, but with regions defined by geometry, rather than a...
ChatGPT Clone In Google Sheets · AI can be a huge productivity boost, but it can also become a new bottleneck if it doesn't have existing access to your...